Wednesday, October 23, 2013

In Naseakula village

from Peceli
It's about time!  Good to see that the Tuatua clan of Naseakula has built a nice footpath which is excellent for the muddy weather that babasiga people experience during the summer months.  This end of Naseakula is where I lived as a child after leaving our bure in Qoitoga when I was about eight. Before that we lived  at a place where the Anglican manse is now. My father somehow donated the land to the Anglican teachers of St Mary's but who knows what the title says these days.  Naseakula those days had little creeks and was good for catching fish and crabs.

Villagers construct footpath to avoid accidents

Salaseini Moceiwai
Thursday, October 24, 2013
PEOPLE visiting the yavusa Tuatua in Naseakula Village, Labasa will soon walk on a well-structured walkway now that the members have embarked on a footpath project.
Development committee manager Josateki Tovitovi said they decided to work on the project for the purpose of preventing children from walking home by the roadside after school.
"The village is located beside the main road and every afternoon, we see groups of children walking home from school.
"The risk of road accidents is something we want to avoid and that's why we have decided to build the walkway," Mr Tovitovi said.
"The members collected $350 to start off the project and the rest of the funds were from sponsors who helped us tremendously.
"Construction work is a bit slow at the moment due to rainy weather conditions but we hope to complete it soon so we can start using it.
"Through this project, we are also promoting healthy living because we will not be walking on grass and mud anymore."
Mr Tovitovi said they were also looking at raising funds for the construction of their new hall.
"After this project, we will come together and discuss ways of raising funds for our hall."

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