Monday, October 28, 2013

Catch me if you can - Peter Foster

from w
Catch me if you can?
Is this a genuine photo taken in Fiji, or has it been photoshopped. This scoundrel is at it again, running from justice, and hoping that the arms of Fiji's leader will be welcoming. I don't think so. They'll grab him and put him in a cell themselves. That is, if he is really in Fiji. 

From Sydney Morning Herald; Fugitive conman Peter Foster has provided a photograph he says proves he has fled Australian justice to Fiji.
The photograph shows Foster, who last week did not attend a Brisbane court where he was sentenced to 18 months jail over his involvement in weight loss scam Sensaslim, reading what appears to be Sunday’s edition of Fijian newspaper The Sunday Times....

Do you remember the flying tackle the time he ran around Pacific Harbour in his undies as the police chased him  and caught him!

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