Tuesday, September 17, 2013

No kava for Johnny, for Jeke, for Ari, for Tomu.

from w.
and from the Fiji Sun which now seems to becoming pals of the Methodist Church.  From the top, orders to clean up the talatala's kava drinking, no loosening of the necktie on Sundays, etc.  No kava for his missus.  Oh dear,  our house in Australia needs a re-ordering then.  Does this go for retired Fijian ministers who happen to live in Australia - where kava drinking is part of social networking, welcomes and farewells, discussion of day-to-day problems and joys..  Okay, I can see where Rev Tui is coming from. It had all gone out of control and there needs to be discipline and order.

The culture of informal kava drinking has got out of hand from my observations. For example at the Nadi market which you would expect to be 90% vegetables and fruit, it is 50% full of tables selling kava. That seems to be an excessive emphasis on something that isn't as important as basic health foods.
photo by C. Marshall.

Methodist bans effective

The Methodist Church in Fiji has confirmed that its bans on kava drinking and smoking have already become effective.
The church’s secretary for communications, Reverend James Bhagwan, said this was the directive from the president, Reverend Dr Tuikilakila Waqairatu.
“Rev Dr Waqairatu made this directive under the authority of the president to make such directives in a situation which calls for urgency,” Rev Bhagwan said.
“He is of the view that the excessive kava consumption within the Methodist community requires urgent and decisive action for the physical and spiritual health of its members. Leaders of the community are called to lead by example.”
The bans are as follows -
n Refrain from drinking kava on Sunday – it is a holy day;
n No iluva ni neketai after worship service – it is neither Christian nor iTaukei in tradition;
n No kava to be drunk at a minister’s or pastor’s quarters;
n No kava to be sold from a minister’s or pastor’s quarters;
n  Wives of ministers and pastors (radini talatala) are not to drink kava.
n Ministers, pastors and church leaders to refrain from smoking.

Reverend Bhagwan said, “The president made these directives to those who serve in the church, in trust and on the understanding that they will be responsible to the call that they have accepted and the authority that they have willingly subjected themselves to.
In terms of the monitoring, the church has its system of checks and balances, and accountability from the local level to the national level.
All ministers, pastors and deaconesses come under the discipline of the church, circuit and division of where they are stationed.
Not only does the divisional superintendent of each of the 55 divisions have supervisory responsibility over the staff in his or her division.
There are also the leaders meetings, quarterly meetings and annual meetings through which the compliance or non-compliance with this directive, and other issues can be raised,” he said.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew Thornley11:18 PM

    Something needed to be done. Kava drinking was a worrying issue on campus when we were at Davuilevu in 2008
