Saturday, September 07, 2013

Fiji in Miss World competition and her costume

from w
The Fiji entrant in Miss World (the one on the left) wasn't given much of chance with the design of her costume. What were they thinking? A fishing net, not flattering, impossible to walk in, and nowhere like the best of Fiji's fashion designs which are often marvelous. Last year's Owl costume was praised very much and that was quite a winner although a bit strange. Doesn't an owl sighted mean someone is not telling something?

And now they've moved the event because of protests. I guess it is about modesty as the local people would object to girls parading around in bikinis in a country where modesty in women is paramount.
from Fiji times;
Miss World chairwoman Julia Morley had not confirmed moving the finals to Bali on September 28 over safety issues.
"Miss World contestants, staff and the organisation are under heavy guard, including extra security being beefed up at both Bali International Airport and sea ports on the resort island."
Miss Fiji yesterday participated in the beach beauty competition.
Meanwhile, AFP reported Indonesian officials were moving the final of the pageant to Bali, after days of hardline Muslim protests in Java.


  1. Anonymous5:53 AM

    i believe the costume represented fiji quite well - with the use of local resources usually used for traditional clothing. maybe judges should judge costumes according to how well it represents the country not themselves

  2. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Well this costume looked much better in photo than what it is in reality. Maybe next time the designers could make the outfits and showcase it in a public place such as MHCC for people to see and vote for it.
