Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Computers for the rural areas

from w
It's good to see IT in the rural areas such as Wailevu, Seaqaqa and Nadogo in Macuata.  Excellent that young people can access the internet without having to go into Labasa town.
From Fiji Sun.

Wailevu commends 14th telecentre

Source: ministry of information
The vanua of Wailevu has commended the opening of the Labasa Muslim College telecentre.
Giving free internet access to more than 3000 members of the community and 376 students, the telecentre opened on Wednesday by Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama gives better access to knowledge and the wider world.
Turaga ni koro for Wailevu (village headman), Senirosi Baleira said that the telecentre will be of benefit to the children of Wailevu, most of whom are students of Labasa Muslim College.
“I am grateful for this government initiative which gives access to free knowledge via the internet for our children and also to also about 400 Wailevu villagers,” Mr Baleira said.
“Before our children used to walk to Labasa town, now they will only have to walk for about 6 minutes to access computing services, in particular the internet.”
The village headman also acknowledged other assistance rendered by government to the tikina of Wailevu in the provision of basic necessities.
Sharing similar sentiments, Labasa Muslim College head teacher, Kamlesh Prasad said that government was bridging the digital divide between the rich and the poor and the rural and urban people.
“Before computer and internet was only accessible to people that were rich,” Mr Prasad said.
Government’s 15th telecentre was opened by the head government this afternoon at Savusavu Secondary School.
 Full details in Thursday’s Fiji Sun newspaper.
Students of Labasa Muslim College at their new telecentre. Photo: MINFO NEWS


1 comment:

  1. Computers for the rural areas are must now a days for a healthy welfare and society.
