Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday for a retired talatala

from w
Yesterday was full on for two old-timers over seventy. Before six I had to wake up George to zap Jordan's leg with the magnet - a routine every six hours. Then at 8.30 went to the local East Geelong  Uniting church and played the music - organ and piano - but not at the same time -  morning tea, and later lunch at church followed by a lively meeting about a congregational review. We left half-way through though. I said something silly like - the world must come into the 'church', the 'church' must go into the world. Then Peceli and I went to Altona Meadows/Laverton church where we had a Bible study instead of formal church. Then Vika, our friend who's a retired teacher, and us went to Chadstone to visit the Fijians there -  for a meeting. There the hospitable Fijians put on a lovely late lunch for the three of us - prawns, Singapore noodles, lote (tapioca, pumpkin, coconut cream) and our meeting to plan a National Conference for 2014 went well. Then we dropped Vika at her home in Altona and went to visit Sailosi, a member of our Altona Meadows/Laverton congregation, in Werribee hospitall. It was good to get home by 8.30 p.m. and just watch a bit of TV then sleep! That's retirement life for a retired talatala and his missus.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew Thornley1:30 AM

    A lot of good pastoral effort going on here: the best kind of work. Cheers to you both!
