Saturday, June 08, 2013

A village in Bua

from w
Some of the babasiga women went down to an interior vllage Banikea near Lekutu Bua for a funeral and it seems that the children had time to have fun in the river and in riding horses. The funeral was for the father of the Methodist minister of Wailevu, near Labasa. The life of a village away from the coast is not experienced by the tourists yet this is where the heart of Fiji is. The people work well, are fit and healthy and not discontented wanting the bright lights of Suva.


  1. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Yes, my village Banikea, Thanks for posting. Now living in Wisconsin, US, Miau sa Bula Re...

    Taniela Raumakita

  2. filomena vula6:22 PM

    Yes,u r my herous,nd il be there for u

  3. Anonymous6:47 PM

    My Village. My Home x

    -Seruwaia Bolatini-

  4. My Koronivasu , Mums village
