Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Special books about Fiji in a Melbourne bookshop

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Yesterday Peceli and I were delighted to be able to purchase a superb diary by May Cook, the wife of a missionary who lived at Nasoso, Macuata. Rev Oswald Cook worked tirelessly in Macuata and later in Lakeba. May is a lovely writer, noticing small details of life in the Naduri area and on numerous boat trips along the coast, and observing Fijian customs in the period 1904-1906. Her son collated her diaries and published them not many years ago with only 100 copies so we were lucky to get one pristine copy. Thanks to Rev Cyril Germon whom we visited a couple of days ago who said, 'Peceli, there's a book you might be interested in because it's about Nasoso and Macuata a hundred or more years ago.' I searched the internet and found libraries where the book is located and also bookshops. Kay Craddock- Antiquarian Bookseller, in the Assembly Hall Building - next to the Baptist Church - 156 Collins Street Melbourne, had the book. Website  There were about twenty excellent precious books about Fiji - first editions - that kind of book - but the prices were high as you would expect. But anyone interested in the history of Fiji can go there and browse.  A gem of a shop in the heart of Melbourne.


  1. Anonymous7:25 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Sorry I deleted one comment but it was in Chinese characters and it could not even be translated so I took it off. Okay?

  3. Hi Wendy, I posted a comment this morning but it is not listed and I am wondering if you got it or not. I have been trying to contact you, are you able to email me on
    Joan Tippett - ex Fiji

  4. Hello Joan, I sent an email, and also found you on facebook. We would like to go to the symposium in Parramatta later in the year and Peceli has already registered.
    from Wendy
