Wednesday, March 27, 2013

CCF are quick off the mark

from w
While ordinary Fiji people out in the rural areas haven't a hope of reading, digesting, making an analysis and comments on the new proposed constitution of Fiji,  the CCF have been quick off the mark and have made a good attempt at analysis and criticism.
Go to


  1. Andrew Thornley8:27 PM

    Greetings Wendy and Peceli,

    This revised government-sponsored constitution is a real worry in the directions it has moved from the Ghai model and in the haste in which it is being imposed upon the country (with little time to allow for a reasoned and reflective response from the public). I am deeply concerned about the nature of the political process as the election approaches.

  2. I am cautious about commenting these days but all I can say is for many Fiji people, the main issues are food on the table, pills at the hospital, books for school, and the day to day living with births, marriages, funerals to contend with. Only the usual people do protest when bizarre statements or papers come out from the regime. Most people seem to be pragmatic or are influenced by gifts such as gumboots or a few books or computers.
