Friday, January 11, 2013

Funeral for Dilkusha Home 'mother'.

from w
Today Peceli and I drove up to Melbourne to Ringwood Uniting Church (light traffic all the way) to attend the funeral of Gwen Davies, one-time matron - mother- to hundreds of Indian girls at Dilkusha orphanage. Gwen was 94 and she had spent about 30 years in Fiji. It was a lovely service with some tearful tributes, old Methodist hymns in a nice church with a sensitive organist who played soft and loud instead of full-on all the time. I met some Dilkusha girls who I hadn't seen since they were small so it was delightful. Also half a dozen ex-missionaries to Fiji. Peceli and I joined in the bhajan song. There were sandwiches for lunch but we were too busy with much talking going on to eat. So on the way home we stopped at Footscray and had a delicious Indian rice and dhal meal with vegetable curries and puri. Pakistan people. Then we bought some gulab jamin and other delicacies in the shop next door. I didn't take any photos today as my camera said 'Write protect' so something is wrong with the card I think.  I hope to receive some photos taken at the funeral to edit this post later on. The only picture I have is from the funeral brochure.

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