Tuesday, January 01, 2013

A good visit to Labasa

from w
The visit of Fiji's President to Labasa and also to the village of Nabavatu in Macuata must have been a surprise for residents of the gaol, old people's home, to a cyclone Evan evacuation centre,, and an ordinary village.  It is good publicity for the current leaders of Fiji to be seen to visit the poor, the sick, those in prison - words from the gospels. Story from Fiji Times today, 2nd January.

President surprises with visit

Serafina Silaitoga
Wednesday, January 02, 2013
PRESIDENT Ratu Epeli Nailatikau has urged inmates of the Labasa Corrections Centre to be determined and love one another.
Ratu Epeli said while inmates were spending the new year away from their loved ones, it was only proper that they looked after one another while serving their jail sentences.
The President's visit surprised patients at Labasa Hospital and Babasiga Ashram and also evacuees of Cyclone Evan in Bua.
"I am just here to pay you a visit since it's the first day of 2013," he said.
"I visited your colleagues in Korovou and Naboro and the patients of Wainibokasi Hospital during Christmas and it's your turn."
Ratu Epeli said he had represented those family members who had not visited their loved ones at the centre in a long time.
"Those of you who have not been visited by your family members, don't worry because I am here on their behalf.
"Love one another, work together and listen to the centre supervisors so you can be satisfied with your term," said Ratu Epeli.
-----------  And also....

Blessing for villagers

Serafina Silaitoga
Wednesday, January 02, 2013
VILLAGERS of Nabavatu in Macuata were surprised when President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau paid them a visit yesterday.
Ratu Epeli, who was accompanied by Commissioner Northern Lieutenant Colonel Ilai Moceica and a team of government officials, wished the villagers a blessed 2013.
Village headman Esala Tawake said it was indeed a blessing for them to be visited by a humble leader.
"This is the first time for us to be visited by the President and we are really appreciative of his presence," Mr Tawake said.
"We are really surprised because we never thought he would choose to come to our village. He is certainly a good and humble leader."
Ratu Epeli told the villagers such a visit was his own initiative in trying to meet and greet all Fijians.
"This is something that I try to fulfill for the people of this nation for an enhanced relationship."

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