Monday, December 31, 2012

The Year that was - letter to the Editor

Here's a good letter in today's Fiji Times and a happy New Year.

Year that was
IF ever there was an award for 2012 for certain events and attributes for the people of Fiji, these are my list of nominees in their respective categories.
* Song of the year — Azonto, it crazed both young and old.
* Disaster of the year — Cyclone Evan, struck in the middle of festivities and celebration.
* Slang of the Year — Nice Ga Re! / Wananavu Ga Re! Every Facebook fan would know this.
* Traffic offence of the Year — The Azonto Dancing Driver — he managed to escape the law.
* Epidemic of the year- Typhoid — claimed some innocent lives.
* Political event of the year — Constitution Submission and Review, a positive step to democracy.
* Sport of the year — Hockey — Restored the lost pride after consecutive losses in rugby.
* Man of the Year — Iliesa Delana, least expected to claim that gold.
* TV episode for the year — Short land Street, oilei sa oca mai! (It's been rolling for ages).
* Movie of the year — Yahamain Ghar Ghar Kheli — FBC TV next best thing to Gulong. I bet they have in some way or the other shaped 2012 to be what it has been! Happy New Year!
Waisale Ramoce

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