Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Mali island and tourists

from w
The people of Mali Island have got used to visitors since the tribe wanted project and their eco-tourism development on adjacent Vorovoro Island with employment for Mali Island men and women and numerous visits to the school by the young eco-travellers..  Now the villagers from Mali are hosting programs for the Captain Cook cruises so that is a bonus and provides money for development projects.  Ten years ago if you googled Mali, you got some strange country in Africa with barely a mention of 'Mali Island' except in babasiga blog!  The home of Peceli's mother and many relatives.

Tourism pays off

Serafina Silaitoga
Thursday, December 13, 2012
VILLAGERS of Mali Island in Macuata know too well the good things tourism has brought to their village shores since the visits started last year.
The four villages on the island that sits opposite the Fiji Forest Industries of Malau have been able to achieve a few village projects from the tourism income.
Nakawaga Village headman Semi Ulunasobu said the tourists had visited their village three times already.
"We never used to have these visits from tourists in the past years. Their first visit was last year and every time they come to Labasa, they get off on the island for an evening of entertainment," Mr Ulunasobu said.
"We also prepare their lovo dinner with the Captain Cook Cruises team and the tourists get to see how a lovo is made by the villagers," he said.
He added that tourists had provided funds for villagers with every visit made to the island.
"Our only source of income here is the sea and we travel to Labasa to sell the fish or other sea provisions. The visit by tourists has now become another source of income for us and it has helped us a lot," Mr Ulunasobu said.
"We now use the tourism funding for major village projects sparing villagers from financial burdens."
Mr Ulunasobu said village elders had also seen the advantages of having tourists over to the village.
Last week, more than 30 tourists on board Captain Cook Cruises ship Reef Endeavour visited Nakawaga Village where they were entertained with meke and dances.

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