Friday, October 19, 2012

Life of Loloma

from w

Once a Fijian deaconess, Loloma Tukai Tali lived a life of kindness, adventure, love of God and of people wherever she was - in Fiji, in Vanuatu, in Australia. She was born in Arnhem Land, Australia daughter of Fijian Methodist missionary parents working with the aborigines, then raised and educated in Fiji and later worked in Vanuatu in the Presbyterian church there

Yesterday morning Loloma passed away at Cobram, Victoria, Australia, where her husband Tom Tali was the pastor of the Uniting Church. We have known Loloma from the time she was a deaconess and stayed with us in Rakiraki doing outreach work in the Fiji Indian community.  I spent today quietly reading the book she recently wrote - her memoir of a life of devotion to God and service, and she certainly had the patience of Job going through so many difficulties. Two months ago in Geelong her friends put on a surprise birthday party for Loloma which was to be a farewell party really as she and we knew that her serious illness meant time was running out.  A delightful person. Farewell Loloma.

In her book she wrote: I would have liked to have shared my life with Tom, our children, grandchildren, family and friends a little longer. But looking back, I thank God for all the blessings He has poured into my life and I accept His plan for me with peace in my heart.


  1. Andrew Thornley1:48 PM

    Dear Wendy,

    Wonderful Christian and I am sure a great story. Where can the book be purchased?


  2. John and Elaine Hayward from Grovedale have some books but I can't find their phone number in the book. It's a delightful read of a heroic woman. As you know some Fijian woman are just so beautiful in their relationships with God and people.

  3. Thanks for taking the time to put this up, we greatly miss Mum. Our only comfort now is knowing she is with our creator now.

  4. I was a student at Onesua Presbyterian College from 2003 to 2006 and Mrs Tali was our R.E teacher in year 7. She is indeed one of the kindest and easy-to-like woman I have had the priviledge to meet and know as a young student back then. She always had that warm smile for everyone that made me love her classes. She's a wonderful story-teller too. My sincere condolences to Pastor Tom and family.

  5. Richard Michael10:48 PM

    She was our mother. She left many irreplaceable footprints everywhere she went while serving on her mission. RIP mama
