Saturday, September 15, 2012

What the Fiji children say

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I was delighted to read letters in the Fiji Times from students at the school in Pacific Harbour about their concern for the environment. Very good.  And then, they have given their submission to the groupof people appointed to make up a new Fiji Constitution. A better submission than some.

Students make submission for protection of environment
Publish date/time: 15/09/2012 [17:09]
The environment also needs to be taken care of.

This was a concern raised by students of a multi-cultural school in Pacific Harbor while giving in their submissions to the constitution commission in Navua yesterday.

Commissioner Dr Satendra Nandan said out of all the submissions received this was the most interesting one as the students had done a lot of research on their submission and were concerned for their surroundings.

Also people of Navua made their submissions on ensuring transparency of government funding and freedom of information for everyone.

The public consultations will resume from Tuesday at Koro Island.

Story by: Khusboo Singh

Respect your environment
Save the planet
MY name is Anaseini Bovoro and I am a Class Five student at Pacific Harbour Multi-Cultural School. Students of PHMCS are trying their best to clean the beaches, but we still find rubbish on them.
We are polluting the sea with plastic bags and rubbish. We know that turtles and other marine creatures think they are food. We have to save our mother earth by not polluting it with a lot of rubbish in the sea. I am disappointed how people are not respecting their environment.
It's time now, we need to use bio-degradable bags, to change our world and to and to help Fiji to have pollution-free land and sea. Please visit these websites or It is time Fiji only uses bio-degradable landfill plastic bags. Vinaka.
Pacific Harbour
Say no to plastics
MY name is Natalie Simpson. I am a Class Eight student and a prefect of Pacific Harbour Multi-Cultural School.
Whenever I go to town or to the beach with my parents or with my friends I always see plastic bags and juice bottles everywhere I go and it makes me upset and disappointed because it spoils our environment and it kills our sea creatures and that's bad.
Even the students and teachers are telling me how upset they are with the plastic pollution and I agree to that. They are telling the truth and it doesn't help us to save our environment. We must say no to all plastic bags that are not bio-degradable.
If you are willing to save our environment please get bio-degradable bags because they do not harm our environment. Bio bags vanish easily that's why I like them. Please get bio bags and go to 1. or 2. I hope you change your mind! Please reply to me. Vinaka.
Pacific Harbour
Save our turtles
MY name is Kasa Saubulinayau. I am the head boy of Pacific Harbour Multi-Cultural School which is located in Pacific Harbour, Deuba. My fellow students and I are disgusted and concerned about the use of plastic bags here in Fiji. You may think that plastic bags don't affect us and the environment. It has a huge effect to the environment, the land and the sea.
Plastic bags are affecting the land by its dirty look and pollution, as well as the same in the sea. Plastics are much more dangerous to the sea because it is possible for plastic bags to also kill sea creatures.
For example, a turtle may be mistaken by a plastic bag being a jelly fish. If a turtle eats a plastic bag, there is a possibility that the turtle may choke and die.
Our country (Fiji) should be ashamed for we care less about the environment. Other countries like the Cook Islands and the Solomon Islands care more about the environment by using bio-degradable plastic bags which do not affect the environment. We should also care about the environment for it provides us with our needs or resources. Let's help our environment and use bio-degradable plastic bags. Some websites of where you can get bio-degradable plastic bags are: or 2)
Let's save and help our environment and use bio-degradable plastic bags.
Pacific Harbour
Stop pollution
MY name is Ethan Vailasi and I'm a Class Seven student of Pacific Harbour Multi-Cultural School. My school and I are really worried about the use of plastic bags in Fiji. The way people in Fiji use plastic bags is so disgusting because they throw their plastic bags everywhere and sometimes the bags end up in the sea.
This affects the sea creatures like turtles they are mistaken by eating plastic bags and they think it is jelly fish. And when turtles eat it they can choke themselves and die.
Some suggestions on how we can stop these dangers from happening is by using bio-degradable plastic bags. These are some addresses on how to get bio-degradable plastic bags are: or
Ethan Vailasi 
Pacific Harbour
Rise above plastics
I AM prefect at Pacific Harbour Multi Cultural School and I am writing to you about the plastic bags pollution in Fiji. We are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful island, but we are not taking care of it properly.
It is amazing how its so dirty with plastic bags of different colours and sizes all over the beaches, in towns, along the highways, streets and rivers.
There is a solution to everything and here is one for the plastic bags. I'm introducing to you these bio-degradable plastic bags.
Other countries in the world are using bio-degradable plastic bags to save our environment. We in Fiji should use them too.
The address were to get this bio-degradable bags from is: 1) or 2)
You can get some from New Zealand and Australia.
Please get them and save Fiji.
Pacific Harbour
Stop littering
I AM a prefect of PHMCS, my name is Hannah Harness and I've lived in Fiji all my life.
I am worried about our country and the pollution problem. I am writing this letter to you because I wish to complain about the rubbish on the beaches and I have an idea how to solve this problem.
I would like to stop the littering problem because the plastic bags are floating in the sea and fish, turtles and other sea creatures are thinking they are food so they eat them and die.
This means less food for us. I suggest you get land fill de-gradable plastic bags from these websites or and put more rubbish bins on the beaches and levy appropriate fines.
Thank you, I hope you help us make a change and save our earth.
Pacific Harbour
Time to act is now
MY name is Christina Naugavule, the head girl of Pacific Habour Multi-Cultural School.
My school is located near the beach and beside our school we have a tropical rainforest which we are trying our best to preserve.
Pacific Harbour Multi Cultural students are the best examples of environment workers or the environment forces.
We have been trying our best to clean and look after our beach, but still our help isn't enough to save our country's pollution to the environment.
Our head teacher and also environmental studies teacher has just returned from her trip to the Cook Islands.
She told us about the environment in the Cooks. Cook Islanders are using bio-degradable plastic bags and aren't allowed to use any other ordinary plastic bags.
If you want to help save the environment like us Pacific Harbour Multi-Cultural students, we suggest that Fiji should also use bio-degradable plastic bags.
To find out where to get these bio-degradable plastic bags, you should look it up on this websites: or
Please, we need your help to save our Fiji environment and by doing this you're not only helping the Fiji environment but the world too.
Christina Naugavule 
Pacific Harbour

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