Wednesday, August 15, 2012

An unhappy chappie

from w
What would you do if your new ID card had a photo of you that made you look silly, not handsome, or grossly different?  One guy squashed his new card when he was dismayed by his pic.  And he was taken to court as the card was given to him by the Fiji Government!  Damaging property worth $2! A good behaviour bond.  How stupid for that!

Bound over for damaging EVR card

August 15, 2012 | Filed under: Fiji News | Posted by: 
A taxi driver who damaged his electronic voter registration (EVR) identification card was bound over to be on good behaviour.
Satya Nand Prasad squashed his EVR card in front of EVR clerk Karalaini Viala at MH Superfresh Supermarket in Tamavua on July 18.
The court heard that Prasad got himself registered on the said day but was unhappy with the outcome of his photo.
He then requested if another one could be issued to which the EVR clerk said it was not possible.
Prasad than squashed the card and threw it back at her.
Magistrate Sofia Hamza said that even though he had damaged a card worth $2 only, it was an official Government ID card.
Magistrate Hamza ordered that Prasad be bound over for the next six months to maintain good behavior.
The 53- year- old sought the court’s forgiveness after pleading guilty to one count of damaging property.
The magistrate said if the court was satisfied with his behaviour during this six month period, the n he would be discharged.

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