Saturday, June 16, 2012

romancing the pacific

from w

Some sketches I've made from observations in Fiji - the usual coconut trees, a tree near Cuvu, gifts from people in Cuvu, a rest bure near Sigatoka, and three views from the Holiday Inn, Suva..


  1. These are beautiful Wendy! I especially love the coconut trees. Having just returned from 2 weeks with my family in Labasa, I'm aching to be reminded of all things Fiji right now x

  2. Bula sia Lusi, You are a babasiga kid then?

  3. Well, technically no since I was born in Sydney but I say that I am because I love Labasa so much. My dad is from Waiqele (actually you guys know my parents; mum is Aussie and I think they stayed somewhere for their honeymoon 35+ years ago that is somehow linked to you.) Anyway, all of our family on dad's side is there and I miss them (especially my Nau) terribly. Was wonderful to be up north after 14 years. X
