Friday, June 29, 2012

Printmaking in Fiji

from w
When I read this piece in today's Fiji Times it reminded me of my teaching years when I introduced many students to printmaking especially screen prints using a dye made from cassava. Some of the students from Labasa won prizes, a plane trip to Suva and it was a good experience.  Printmaking is not new in Fiji and is of course related to the original crafts of painting on masi using leaf or plastic stencils, and the T shirt industry took off with printing at least forty years ago. Woodcuts, linocuts, screen prints, etchings etc. are excellent for making artworks and there is much talent out there in Fiji.

Delight for lovers of art

Ronish Kumar
Saturday, June 30, 2012
THE first print exhibition held at the University of the South Pacific has attracted many painting lovers.
The exhibition was a result of collaboration between the Australian Print Workshop and artists from the Oceania Centre.
About 10 artists participated in the first print edition which visual co-ordinator Johanna Beasley described as "great".
"It is the first time we have used the press to do printing and people couldn't believe the talent our artists have," Ms Beasley said.
She said the press has enabled artists to print many copies of a particular art which they could sell.
Artist Ben Fong said he wanted to try his hand at printing and enjoyed the experience.
He has used his creativity with metal to build sculptures.
"I wanted to explore my creativity further and this is something that I love to do," he said.
Fellow artist Paula Liga loves carving and the print edition was helping him with his work.
"A lot of people have shown great interest. This is part of my job," he said.
Kristel Whippy admired the exhibition, saying the art portrayed important messages.
"I find this exhibition interesting and I love the black and white section of the display," Ms Whippy said, adding the Oceania Centre displayed pleasing and meaningful paintings. I am really impressed and proud of the fact that we have artists that can produce this quality of art."

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