Monday, May 21, 2012

'I won't give my crown back!'

from w I don't regard it as a tantrum, after all the lass is only sixteen and she did win first place in the Fiji beauty contest and was crowned. However there's been quite a hoo-hah ever since - someone reckons she doesn't look 'Fijian' enough, another said she's too young, another said it was rigged and a foregone conclusion. Anyway when they gave the runner-up the honour or representing Fiji in the bigger game, the little miss had a hissy fit and said 'No, I won't give my crown back.' Good on you Torika.......

1 comment:

  1. Peceli and Wendy! Bula Vinaka,

    I am in love with Fiji! After Volunteering there last year I fell in love with the place and the people, I have a blog too with photographs from the place I stayed.
    I have a few questions I would love to ask you both about getting over here from Fiji and things like that if you could email me on we could have a proper conversation.

    Vinaka Vakalevu,

    Moce Mada.

