Monday, January 16, 2012

Fiji athletes at the Deaf Games

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The Australian Deaf Games are on this week and there are competitors from Fiji, Samoa, New Zealand as well as Australia. We met some of the Fiji team yesterday when our grandson accidentally met up with them in town wearing their distinctive Fiji Tk-shirts. Despite the different kind of communications required, Epa was able to get them on a local bus and bring them to our home for an hour or so - just a small welcome kava, and then take them to their motel in Newtown. Later some of our family took some food to them and to meet the rest of the Fiji team. This is a good story for Fiji - when a nation looks after and gives opportunities to people who are deaf or with disabilities, then it is on track. At least in a few ways.

From the Geelong Advertiser is the welcome editorial.

EDITORIAL: Perfect setting for Deaf Games
| January 17th, 2012

THE capacity for sport to provide purpose and bring people together is being illustrated in an inspiring fashion in Geelong this week.

Eight hundred athletes are here to participate in the Australian Deaf Games.

Among their number are participants from Fiji, Samoa and New Zealand, which are being represented for the first time in these Games, held every four years.

In addition to the variety of sports being contested, the Games are also a social and cultural event for the deaf community.

Participants and their supporters have picked a delightful week to enjoy the best of Geelong and, more importantly, the pick of our sporting facilities.

From the organising hub of the Games at Deakin University's spectacular Waterfront campus to first-class venues for tennis, cricket, netball, surfing, beach volleyball, lawn bowls and golf, to name but a few, our visitors will want for very little.

Indeed, it is easy to overlook how well this city is served by sports facilities.

We hope they help inspire outstanding performances and top competition.

In return, Games participants can be assured they are an inspiration to us.

Through sport, these athletes show they are not defined by their deafness.

The Games are a celebration of their talents and their ability to adapt when faced with adversity and get on with life.

It is a privilege to host all who are associated with the Games and we hope this is a week they will look back on fondly for many a year.

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