Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A back yard in Namadi

from w
I found some old drawings I did on a holiday in Fiji - they are all from a backyard in Namadi Heights in Suva. There's a steep gully and no real back yard for planting vegetables at all. But it's very picturesque. At least, Suva has that going for it together with the 90 degrees humidity at times!


  1. Hi Wendy, my name is Amanda and I am from Fiji although I now split my time between NZ and Fiji. I love your backyard drawings (I'm an ex Suva girl, now in Nadi) and was wondering if I could purchase prints of these?
    Thank you.
    Best regards,

  2. Hello Amanda, these are A4 in size and if you like just copy them from my posting. I don't sell my pictures these days, just give them away. These were made in Namadi Heights from my son's flat above a little creek. I live in Geelong, Australia, and still do lots of sketches and put some of them on facebook, not so much on my babasiga blog.

  3. Thank you so much, that's wonderful!
