Monday, December 05, 2011

Nukutatava Bible school closes

from w
I'd been told about the move to Suva for the Christian youth training centre at Nukutatava then I saw a reference to it in one of the Fiji papers. Students winding up for the year. Suva is more accessible in many ways, though to have a Christian youth education centre in Macuata was an excellent idea. They had turned grassland into a park and built rows of fine bungalows and developed the place very well. Now I wonder how the land will be used by a new owner!

Last time for Labasa

Graduates of the Labasa World Harvest Institute (WHI) bade their final farewells to each other during their graduation on Saturday. Many shed tears of joy after completing a year of study while some had to let go of the place they called home. The institute which was established in the 2001 to provide biblical education to students all over the world will be closed from next year. A total of 70 students enrolled in three different courses were awarded with certificates.

The first year students were awarded with certificate of discipleship, the second year students were awarded with leadership and the third year students were awarded certificate in church planning.

Christian Mission Fellowship international president Reverend Suliasi Kurulo, who was the chief guest at the graduation, said he felt inner peace seeing students graduating. He said after the completion of three years course, students qualified to become missionaries, Bible college teachers, pastors and in other related Christian professions.

Now students would have to move to Suva and get enrolled at the main centre because the institute in Labasa would be closed.

“The reason we are closing down and bringing students to the main centre is to make bible study courses available for everyone,” Reverend Kurulo said. “The change of venue would also help students get access to modern technology such as computers and library to do research, prepare assignment and listen to international speakers.”

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