Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas party in Tuatua

from Peceli
We have started the Christmas parties in Tuatua, Labasa, lots of girls in the household and me, lovely food and a decorated Christmas tree.
from Wendy
Well, we haven't eaten yet tonight as ten of us have all been active in cleaning the garden and back yard, green house, shed, and moving the rabbit and guinea pig from the front verandah to their hutch inside the back shed, all nice now. It took a while to catch the rabbit though, running all around the back yard until we put both Izzy and Ozzie in the gaol cage to take to the new clean hutch.


  1. Lovely kids and hope you all had a great time.

  2. rairai si'a na va'a sigalevu

  3. Beautiful Photos and awesome photography..........
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