Monday, December 12, 2011

Another tour group to Labasa

from w
It does surprise me that tourist boats come to Labasa but hopefully there'll be more than the shops to interest them. There's potential for tourist sites but most of them haven't been set up for the comfort of visitors. One is the Wasavulu stones but there needs to be a signifying marker to explain the stories. Tourists don't want a repetition of just shopping do they? They want something to remember. Anyway the Labasa journo has been busy writing up about the visit. I think Naduri is too far from Malau. A better idea would be short boat ride to Vorovoro Island. And rather than the Sugar mill, why not a visit to a working cane-farm with a cup of lemon-leaf tea and gulagulas?

Chief's home a possible tour site
Maneesha Karan
Monday, December 12, 2011

MORE sites have been identified by the Labasa and Macuata Tourism Association for tourism development. Among the potential sites are the home village of the Tui Macuata at Naduri, says association president Paul Jaduram. "We are looking at developing historical sites in the province which can benefit the tourism sector," he said. "One of the sites identified for development is the village of the Tui Macuata because it is the home of one of our leaders."

Mr Jaduram said other sites planned for development include the Three Sisters Mountain at Batinikama. "These three mountains are very popular and they also have a cave and a Fijian myth behind it which makes the site captivating for tourists and sightseers. We are working with the Native Land Trust Board and the government to develop this mountain site and we plan to build some bure at the foot of the hill for visitor use."

Another site being eyed for development is the Waiqele hot springs.

"We need to create many more sites to attract tourists - it will create a sense of adventure and thrill for visitors," he said.

Survey to uplift tourism activity in the North
Maneesha Karan
Monday, December 12, 2011

AN academic has shown interest in boosting the tourism industry in the Northern Division by carrying out a survey of tourists visiting Labasa. The survey is being conducted by the USP's School of Tourism and Hospitality Management lecturer Dr Stephen Pratt, who was among the members of Labasa and Macuata Tourism Association to welcome tourists from Captain Cook Cruises at Malau on Friday.

Dr Pratt said the survey was a measure undertaken by the USP to help the various economies in Fiji. "USP is trying to help local economies by providing its expertise and through education," he said. "Labasa has lots of tourism resources and this place has a lot of potential to grow and expand in terms of tourism. We would not like to just participate in the tourism activities but also help develop and expand it in the North."

A questionnaire will be distributed to tourists on Captain Cook Cruises, which they would be expected to fill out during their tour of the North and have it returned to Dr Pratt. The data from the questionnaire will then be analysed and results distributed to the Labasa and Macuata Tourism Association.

"The survey would help ensure tourists to the North get an authentic and enjoyable trip of the North," said Dr Pratt.

Association president Paul Jaduram applauded the academic's interest.

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