Sunday, November 20, 2011

Women from Vanuatu visit Australia

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We were happy to welcome and host a group of Vanuatu women to our Australian city when they had a tour to thank missionaries who had been working in their islands over 150 years. They visited the grave of John and Charlotte Geddie who were missionaries on Aneityum from 1848 to 1872, then had lunch at East Geelong Uniting Church (our home church) and then visited Narana Aboriginal centre before catching a train back to Melbourne. I took a few photos of their visit today including one of Loloma Tukei, who was once a Fijian deaconess before she went to Vanuatu and married Tom there. We had a really lovely day together. Tom and Loloma minister to the people of the town of Cobram up near the Murray River.


  1. So amazing picture. Every picture looking wonderful. I am so excited watch more picture. Every thing looking wonderful. Also that different cloths looking very attractive.

  2. Awesome pictures which you share above. I am so excited for that. Every photos are very beautiful.

  3. So excellent photos Which you share above. Great women visit from Australia. Great event. I appreciate of your work.

  4. Lovely pictures which you share above. Every thing looking awesome..I appreciate of your work.

  5. I want to simply tell you that awesome pictures of the morning as you mentioned above. Great women visit from Australia. I impressed by that.
