Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mali island project

from w
A few years ago when you say Mali Island is where Nau Levu (Peceli's mother) came from, they say, 'What, where is that?' But since Vorovoro got moving with the Tribewanted eco-tourism project, Mali Island has been in the news occasionally. Of course if you 'google' Mali you might get a country in Africa! Anyway here's a project in Mali that's been noticed and there's an item in the Fiji Times today about it.

First land care project

Salaseini Vosamana
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

THE first-ever land care group in Fiji was officially launched in Mali Island, Macuata on Friday. The 12-member group was formed after a week-long workshop on land care organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the Department of Forestry in the Northern Division.

Secretariat of the Pacific Community's acting director land resources Inoke Ratukalou, who was chief guest, said the group was responsible to monitor the new breed of plant species to maintain a greener environment site.

"We aim to develop our idle land into a resourceful place to generate sources of income for our individual families," Mr Ratukalou said.

"This is the first group to be formed in Fiji and we thank the people of Mali for embarking on this initiative. We know it will surely help them in future.

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