Friday, August 26, 2011

The distribution of TLTB money

from w
Some changes in the distribution of lease money to members of Fijian clans have not been accepted by everyone it seems as at least one group has decided that the leader does require a better share because of the numerous responsibilities he or she has to fulfill. Yet the law is the law, the police are saying. A young man free of all care should get the same amount as the older man who is responsible for numerous obligations. I can see that one rule fits all, does not seem fair in Fijian rural society and that taking away the more generous portion diminishes the opportunity by a chief/leader to serve his or her community wisely. The acronym TLTB is the new title of the older NLTB.
From Fiji Times today:
Clans legally bound

Serafina Silaitoga
Saturday, August 27, 2011

TRADITIONAL clans including its trustees are legally bound to implement the equal distribution formula of lease payments, says the iTaukei Lands Trust Board.

TLTB general manager Alipate Qetaki said the requirement for equal distribution of proceeds of premiums and rents were embedded in law under the Regulation 11 of the iTaukei Land (Leases and Licences) Regulations which became effective on January 1 this year.

"TLTB and all trustees of mataqali and yavusa funds from TLTB are legally bound to implement this distribution formula.

"Funds for community schemes which are approved by the Minister for iTaukei Affairs are first deducted under assignments under Section 14(3) of the TLTB Act.

"However, the balance has to be distributed to all living members of a landowning unit equally."

Mr Qetaki made comments in response to the decision by a yavusa in the district of Seaqaqa to continue to give the yavusa head his share under the old distribution system.

He said the onus to comply with the policy and law rested squarely with the TLTB and trustees of bank accounts.

"There are legal implications associated with non-compliance if and when complained of and detected.

"The consequences are potentially serious as it also amounts to breach of trust responsibilities.

"As for the Tikina Council resolutions, it is most unfortunate.

"The senior staff of the provincial council and government officials present ought to have provided advice, so that any resolutions made are implementable under law and not contrary to law."


  1. Anonymous12:58 PM

    preLease money can be distributed fairly through the 'yavus' or family units in 'mataqalis'. As 'liuliu ni yavusas' are not registered in the vola ni kawa bula of the different mataqalis are they legally qualified to recive a share? Land ownership is by mataqalis not yavusas. If lease money is distributed through the yavus through their bank accounts with their own trustees they will be held responsible for the use of such money among all members of the family from infants to elders.

  2. It cannot have effect in reality, that is what I think.
