Thursday, July 21, 2011

Birthday with the grandkids

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Not very often we have our birthdays with our grandchildren so it was good yesterday to have a small party for the household of eight here in Newcomb, Geelong. The grandsons wanted to eat Kentucky Fried Chicken so that was added to the prawns etc. and my daughter-in-law made an excellent Lemon Meringue Pie. Of course kava was part of the evening as well. Peceli and I had spent the day in Melbourne, mainly to visit Matereti who is a patient in the spinal unit of the Austin Hospital - he's having a long journey of recovery. We given thanks to God for our health at this stage of our life and grieve for some young people such as Matt who have so many difficulties to overcome after an accident.


  1. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Happy Birthday Talatala, from all of us in the Top End, regards from your Tau in Elcho

  2. Thanks for your article, pretty useful piece of writing.
