Thursday, June 02, 2011

Milk for babies - breast or bottle

from w
The Fiji Health Department apparently wants to insist that young mothers breast-feed their new babies, but sometimes this just ain't possible and they have to buy special formula and bottle feed. It seems a bit harsh that powdered products are being taken off the shelves of shops - so what do the young mums do meanwhile if they can't produce the goods! I can see that the idea is well-meaning in that breast-milk is best, but... I wouldn't say that infant formula milk is 'unhealthy'! It's better than tea anyway. Just who is making these decisions - men I suppose!

from Fiji Village.
Health ministry adamant that infant formula milk is unhealthy
Publish date/time: 03/06/2011 [17:09]
The Health Ministry stressed that it stands by its decision that babies using infant formula milk are unhealthy. Ministry spokesperson, Peni Namotu said this is the main reason why the ministry wants all pictures of healthy babies removed from the formula cans and to be replaced with new labels in big and bold letters clearly stating that breast milk is best.

This is under the Marketing Control for Food for Infants and Young Children Regulation 2010 which promoted breast feeding and adequate nutrition for children from birth to five years.

Businesses found not complying with the regulation will have to pay a maximum penalty of $50,000 or imprisonment for 10 years or both.

While many understand that breast milk is the best for babies, questions have been raised on whether the Ministry is taking into account the issue of the mothers who cannot produce enough milk for their babies.

Parents who have contacted Fijivillage say they are already affected as they have not been able to purchase any infant formula for the past few days after it was taken off the shelves due to the labeling issue.

Namotu said these are personal issues for the mothers but the government is trying its best to encourage breast feeding and healthy living.

Distributers of all infant milk formula and food products in the country will have to put the temporary labels on the formula cans before they are put back on the supermarket shelves.

The deadline was June 1st and the distributers have failed to comply with the new labeling which has led to the removal of the milk formula products from the shelves.

Story by: Vijay Narayan

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