Thursday, May 26, 2011

More yachts for Vanua Levu

from w
Palmlea is doing some good work of hospitality for visiting yachties. In the Fiji Sun today:

The north shores of Vanua Levu reportedly received an increase in number of yacht arrivals over the last three years. The shores of Macuata have recently been identified as a new destination for yachts.

Macuata resort owners, Joe and Julie Smelser believe there is potential to develop the yachting industry along the north shores of Vanua Levu. They operate an anchorage for yachts from their eco-agritourism resort, called Palmlea Lodge and Bures (villas) along the Tabia-Naduri Road.

Since the establishment of the Palmlea anchorage in 2008, Mrs Smelser said they had witnessed an increase in the number of yacht arrivals. "The north shore of Vanua Levu is now becoming more popular for sailing because our winds are lighter and our seas are calmer," Mrs Smelser said. "Everywhere else on the other shores, they get more trade winds blowing in, so seas get quite rough over there." With the start of a new yacht season this month, the anchorage received its first yacht a fortnight ago, a 36 metre long sailing vessel Infinity.

Mr Smelser said the north shores of Vanua Levu was pristine, untouched and a beautiful area to cruise - an attraction for yachtsmen from around the globe. With Savusavu and Taveuni predominantly known as destinations for yachts, Mrs Smelser said the northern bay also had the potential. "Our anchorage is a new destination for yachts on the north shore and Vanua Levu is starting to become more of a destination for the yachts. At our anchorage, we would receive up to 12 a season and who come to stay for days and even a couple of weeks."

Being expert sailors themselves, Mrs Smelser said the season for yachts was between May and October. "We started off three years ago with just a few yachts and now it's become quite a destination for yachts in the north shore. "

"They come to our place because the anchorage is intact and protective and offer quality service where we look after the sailors." In the last three years, the anchorage has received guests from 34 foreign states. "There is development on this part of the northern island with the fact that we're the first resort to be built on the northern shore of Vanua Levu in 18 years."

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