Sunday, April 10, 2011

Too much fishing

from w
I thought that many islanders were having trouble getting enough fish for their families because some foreigners were sneaking inside the designated areas to pick up bait. Does Fiji really want more overseas companies trawling around Fiji taking all the good fish, and occasionally the smaller fish. Also who gets the profits - not Fiji people I'm sure. And what's happening in Levuka these days? What studies have been done on fish resources in the Fiji region? What papers have come out recently. The only one I found was on a website about tuna

from Fijilive
Indonesian fishing company set up in Fiji
April 11, 2011 11:46:10 AM

A renowned Indonesian fishing company; Gilontas Ocean Company is setting up its operations in Fiji.

Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama said that the setting up of Indonesian fishing company in Fiji is expected to further enhance the prospects of rural and marine based communities.

MINFO reports Commodore Bainimarama made a courtesy call to the head office and operation base of the Gilontas Ocean Company last Friday in Jakarta.

“I am extremely happy and excited that Gilontas has decided to set-up in Fiji and that he and his office will do everything possible to ensure this becomes a full reality.” Commodore Bainimarama said. Commodore Bainimarama based his emphasis on the development of the fisheries sector, which included a specific focus on the tuna industry given the various developments elsewhere in the world.

Gilontas has been in operation over the past 35 years and specialises in the capturing, processing and marketing of fish.

By Nasik Swami
added later:
Alert on fish stocks
Samantha Rina
Monday, April 18, 2011 from Fiji Times
EMERGING threats to local fisheries resources have prompted the Fisheries Department to expand its awareness campaign on biodiversity. Overfishing, unsustainable fishing practices, unregulated extraction of other marine resources, land-based pollution and overexploitation of sedentary species of holothuria such as bÛche-de-mer were a big concern, the department said.

It said these resources could easily be over-exploited beyond regeneration.
Last week, officers from the department were deployed to the yavusa Nabukebuke's qoliqoli at Vunisoco Village in Namosi for a two-day marine awareness workshop. The department said fishing resources were crucial to local communities for food security and economic independence and although renewable, they could also be easily over-exploited beyond regeneration.

Fisheries research officer Nanise Tuqiri said neighbouring villages would also be alerted about the campaign. "Part of this program is to establish marine protected areas and qoliqoli management plans to conserve reproduction and juvenile growth ecophases," she said.

Workshop participant Taniela Tuivonovono said they used to catch big fishes around the shoreline when they were younger but this had changed. "These days we have to look for alternatives before we decide to go out fishing for we fear of going out to sea and not finding anything to bring back for the family," he said.

Fisheries officers are positive the training will greatly assist the future generation of Vunisoco and neighbouring villages if they take ownership and practise what they have learnt.

1 comment:

  1. Wendy: we were in Fiji a few weeks ago, and I was really disturbed and depressed to see so many foreign fishing vessels in Suva harbour. They must be depleting all the fish reserves around Fiji.

    As for who is getting the profits - well, there'll be a few Fijians getting kickbacks for allowing all of this to happen - I'll let you guess who is getting the most! He's also taking Chinese money.
