Thursday, April 14, 2011

The shock of an amputation

from w
A story in todays Fiji FBC news reminded me of stories I've been told about amputations in Fiji. A close relative who had diabetes was told his toe would have to be removed. He woke up after surgery to find that half a leg had been amputated. Another story - the doctor decided a leg had to be cut off, and after the surgery the patient woke up to find that his healhy leg had been amputated. That's only two stories.

Diabetes is a serious disease and apparently is rife in the Pacific Islands, perhaps due to poor diet and other factors. If there's a sugar shortage, then go with it - don't think we need to use the stuff! Medicine is one thing, a lifestyle change is another. Both need to go together, and we certainly don't want more amputations.

Fiji records high amputation rate

Friday, April 15, 2011

"If they do have diabetes and high blood pressure - they should have access to medicine," says Dr Saketa. Fiji has recorded a high rate of amputation says the Permanent Secretary for Health Dr Sala Saketa. Dr Saketa says most of the amputations stem from infections due to diabetes. She says a recent Non-Communicable Disease survey revealed that one in every eight person in Fiji has diabetes. “One of the things that we try to ensure in the reforms is that we have adequate supply of medicine – right down to the nursing station level so people in the rural areas and villages – if they do have diabetes and high blood pressure - they should have access to medicine they require to control the condition.” Other complications that arise from diabetes are eye infections and kidney problems.

Report by : Elenoa Osborne

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