Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fiji night at a Rotary Club

from w
Last night the Grovedale Rotary Club in Geelong had a Fiji theme night with a guest speaker, Joy Baxter, whose expertise in nursing and her passion for Fiji has meant mny years of visits to Vanua Levu, especially Nabalebale and Dreketi and Rotary projects there. Donation in Kind depot in Geelong sends numerous containers to the South Pacific and South-East Asia and items such as books, computers, hospital beds, household items are given out to schools,hospitals, villages. Teams of volunteers also visit villages at times to help with water pipes and so on. These are places far away from Suva where there is little money. It was an informative presentation (and not a whisper of Fiji politics!) by Joy. Peceli had prepared a display of Fiji items and mixed yaqona in a large tanoa for several of the Rotary members and their partners to sample. The meal was also Pacific style- curry, rice, roti, yoghurt, after a thick soup of dhal - not quite Fiji style but tasty. We had invited the Rotary members and partners to dress up Pacific style and many obliged, even with sulus that threatened to fall down.

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