Thursday, March 03, 2011

Coals to Newcastle, sugar to Fiji

from w
How silly, how remarkable that Fiji has to import sugar for the local consumption. What is wrong with the local sugar mills and production? Not enough for our sweet-toothed people because of commitments to overseas? Okay, wouldn't it be a better idea to have a campaign to cut sugar in your tea and cooking to make a healthier population, eh?

from Fiji Times today:
Fiji buys sugar
Avinesh Gopal
Friday, March 04, 2011

A total of 10,000 tonnes of sugar will be imported to meet local consumption demand.

Executive chairman of the Fiji Sugar Corporation Abdul Khan told The Fiji Times yesterday that sugar will be brought in as required until local supply is met. "We have ordered a total of 10,000 tonnes from Thailand," he said."The first 1000 tonnes arrive on Monday, a further 1000 will arrive shortly after that until we stabilise local demand. The sugar will be brought in as needed."

The FSC imported sugar as local supply in retail outlets around the country began to run low the last few weeks. While FSC has imported sugar to meet growing demand, Mr Khan said this practice would cease once the current crisis was over.

In an earlier interview with this newspaper, he said the practice of importing sugar while being a producer "did not make any sense". He had said then that his strategy was to first ensure local supply demand was met before exporting whatever remained.

Meanwhile, supermarkets and retail outlets around the country are reporting a critical shortage and in the Western Division, consumers are restricted to purchasing one kilogram per person.

FSC produced 131,000 tonnes of sugar for the 2010 season compared to 167,000 tonnes in 2009, of which 152,906 tonnes was sold to Tate and Lyle. The remaining 14,094 tonnes was used for local consumption.

The Corporation had scheduled five sugar exports for the 2010 season but due to a shortfall in sugar produced, the number of exports have been revised down to four.


  1. I think it is not good to import a sugar from other countries. Because of Fiji has nice sugar mills. So just check it out what happened in that sugar mills.

  2. From all over the local storage of the FSC sugar imports began to lose the last few weeks. We know, FSC of sugar imports to meet growing demand.

  3. This won't succeed in actual fact, that is what I believe.
