Friday, February 25, 2011

Lomaiviti dancers in Geelong

photo from Geelong Advertiser Monday 28th - for more photos go to Geelong Advertiser website;

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Today is the Pako Festa in Geelong and there are about 200,000 people celebrating diversity and multiculturalism in our city today. Including of course the Fijians and this year it is a group of people with connections to Lomaiviti - our tauvu. From 11 a.m. the parade started so here are some pictures from the beginning of the parade. I noticed one flag upside down, but of course these are Lomaiviti people, not babasiga! Peceli and I joined in for half the distance! We all adjourned to the old Uniting church hall in Pakington Street (now Bethel-Baptist people are there) and instead of eating ethnic food we ate tuna sandwiches and drank Diet Coke! The main Fijian dance program will be on about 3.30 p.m. and afterwards there'll be a barbecue here. (Peceli and I are resting for one hour at present.)

1 comment:

  1. It is good that Lomaiviti dancers in Geelong. I am quite surprised that there are about 200,000 people celebrating diversity and multiculturalism in your city.
