Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kind words for today from Oz

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Today is Australia Day so it is fitting for the representative of the Australian High Commission office in Suva to say some good things about the attitude of the Australian government towards Fiji. These are nicer words than some of the smooth talking from some particularly larger and smaller countries. Happy Oz Day.
from Fiji Village:
Aust ready to assist Fiji
Publish date/time: 26/01/2011 [13:15]

The Acting Australian High Commissioner to Fiji has extended Australia's offer to Fiji again that they are ready to assist Fiji make a transition to democracy through a free and fair election at the earliest opportunity.

In her statement for Australia Day celebrations today, Judith Robinson said Australia remains committed to supporting the welfare of the people of Fiji by maintaining programmes to support the delivery of essential services, helping vulnerable groups and improving economic opportunity for rural communities.

Robinson said Australia's total financial assistance to development projects in Fiji, either directly or through regional programmes, in the year to June 2011 is estimated at 67.6 million dollars. She said Australians consumed goods and services from Fiji to the tune of 2.09 billion dollars in 2009 to 2010 while Fiji imported 888 million dollars worth of goods and services from Australia.

It has also been revealed that just over 1,300 Fiji citizens were granted permanent residency visas to live and work in Australia in 2009 to 2010. More than 60 thousand Fiji born citizens now live permanently in Australia.

Story by: Vijay Narayan


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