Friday, October 08, 2010

Fiji Geelong Friendship Club

from w
Instead of driving up to Melbourne for one of the Fiji Day gigs today - (rugby sevens, a fashion parade etc.) our little group the Fiji Geelong Friendship Club met last night at our home for kava, dinner, talanoa and some music. Fiji people, Tongans, Aussies, including four talatalas - Peceli, Christine, Latu, Tevita - or feifekau I think it is in Tongan. There were plenty of people from Levuka as well as Labasa so that was a bonus! Thank you to the barbecue cooks and others who contributed to a successful gathering. Here are some photos, though some people somehow got left out of the frame. Not everyone was interested in kava and music - one little girl got seriously into drawing - and that's good!

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