Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Building a fence

from w
I was astounded to read that the building of a fence requires Chinese labour instead of local workers. Here is an item from Fiji Exiles Board.

i guess there's no skilled labor in Fiji good enough to build a fence - so we have 20 guys from China building the Presidents fence.

Fiji people are not good enough to do that job of building a fence ?!

whats so special about that fence ?

what kind of fence is it ? a high tech special only known by Chinese fence ?

so we have unemployed people with carpentry skills and experience sitting just 1/2 a mile up the road from the Presidents house in Charles Street and High Street and Toorak Road and Edenville - and none of them are good enough to build a fence.

tsk tsk tsk

Date for fence job at the State house

By Geraldine Panapasa
Saturday, September 25, 2010

THE Government House fencing project is progressing well and should be ready for commissioning in January next year says, the Office of the Prime Minister’s deputy secretary for development co-operation, Eliki Bomani. The fencing project was enabled through direct government assistance from China worth $2.3million.

“The walls have gone up and it’s almost complete. The only thing to start in a few days is the laying of the underground cable for the lights,” he said yesterday. “So far, the project is on schedule. With the weather permitting, it should be ready for commissioning in January.” The fence, made of steel and reinforced concrete, is used for the foundation and columns.

Mr Bomani said earlier the fencing project involved three types. The first involved a decorative fencing which would run along the frontage from the Great Council of Chiefs complex to the entrance to the Botanical Gardens through to Cakobau Road to the British High Commissioner’s residence.

“The fencing perimeter will be about 2.4 metres in height,” he said.

The second type of fencing will serve to separate Government House from the Botanical Gardens and the third will cordon off the properties at the GCC complex and behind Government House.

Mr Bomani said 20 workers had been brought in from the China Railway Number 5 Engineering Group and were housed in government quarters at Domain.

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