Sunday, August 08, 2010

Would you like to be an attachee?

from w
This sounds like an interesting scheme to give young people a chance to have a go in an occupation - six months of training on the job for a small remuneration. But, how much is that remuneration as it would need to cover out of pocket expenses like suitable clothes for the job, perhaps lunch, and fares? Do they sign a bond not to break the commitment if they are unhappy or find work? Already, students at TAFE colleges do an attachment but I don't think there is a commitment on the part of the company to give them a job at the end of it. Do they get a certificate at the end of the six months?

Would you like to be an Attachee?

From Fiji Village Sunday 8th August
Employers need to take on attachees Publish date/time: 08/08/2010 [17:08]

All employers in the country and Government Ministries included will start to take on a certain percentage of attachees as part of the National Employment Center Decree.

Following talks which ended on Thursday this week, the Fiji Employers Federation has revealed that the Decree covers all industries and companies in the country adding that the compulsory attachment scheme is for those companies or employers that have more than 50 workers.

Federation General Secretary, Nesbitt Hazellman said that Government as the biggest employer in the country will also have to abide by the Decree.

Also under the Decree is a subsection which said that the company will have to cover 50 percent of a weekly allowance with Hazellman revealing that a set weekly allowance has been determined following these talks.

Under Section 44 of the National Employment Centre Decree 2009, which came into effect on the 1st of January 2010, it stated that an employer who employed more than 50 workers must engage suitably qualified unemployed persons as attachees or volunteers on a ratio of at least 5 percent of the total number of workers employed by the employer.

Director of NEC, Viliame Baledrokadroka said these people who come in for attachment will only act as attachees and once their 6 months is up then it is up to the company to take them in as full time workers, or to take them on as part-time workers, trainees or to be placed as a reserve in the company’s data base for any future employment.

So far 5,300 people above the age of 15 years have signed up with NEC and training is expected to start next week.

added on Tuesday 10th August:
from Fiji Times

$4m to train 5000 jobless
Theresa Ralogaivau
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

THE National Employment Centre will spend about $4 million to train more than 5000 unemployed people. The $4m comprises a $3m grant from the Training and Productivity Authority of Fiji and $800,000 which is announced in the 2010 revised budget.

CEO Vilimone Baledrokadroka said clients were paid a transportation allowance and while on work attachment paid a $60 weekly allowance, half of which is borne by the employer. The NEC has calculated $1750 as cost of preparing each participant for the job market. "When the client secures some employment we expect 50 per cent of the $1750 to be paid back to NEC to keep the program rolling," he said. "There are a lot of costs involved in upskilling a client so we are urging for a level of commitment from individuals that participate."

About 8.4 per cent of the working population or 28,000 persons are unemployed and NEC aims to reduce unemployment to 4.2 per cent by 2012.

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