Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Geelong Rotary and Macuata

And a thank you from Dreketi.
A letter to the Editor of the Fiji Times published Thursday.
Vinaka Rotary

A VERY sincere vote of thanks to Rotary Australia. I was pleasantly surprised (10/08) when the Caucasian lady waiting to be seen by the doctor, slowly walked into the room, shook my hand and introduced herself as being a representative of Rotary Australia.

We, the staff of Dreketi Health Centre were overjoyed in receiving the large supply of dressing materials, medical textbooks and healthcare books, surgical instruments, automated blood pressure machines and many more items. The sheer variety of items donated was very impressive.

Thank you Rotary Australia from all the people of Dreketi.

Dr Monish Nandan
Medical officer in-charge
Dreketi Health Centre

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