Friday, June 18, 2010

Viti Levu blacked out?

frmo w
I was astonished to read on Fijivillage that the whole island of Viti Levu is without electricity. Does that mean lights, computers, phones, water, all of it?
Maybe computers on batteries are still working.
Viti Levu without power
Publish date/time: 19/06/2010 [16:57]
Entire Viti Levu is currently without power supply.

The Fiji Electricity Authority Customer Care center confirmed that their engineers are now combing the grids in the Western and Central division to try and locate the cause of the black out.

They said there is no time frame at this stage as to when power supply will be restored.

FEA CEO Hasmukh Patel could not be reached for a comment.

Meanwhile the current Power blackout on Viti Levu is expected to cause disruptions for most parts of Viti Levu.

The Fiji water Authority Spokesperson Maika Nagalu said the power shutdown may affect their treatment plants and residents on Viti Levu are being advised to store water now if there is water still running in your taps.


  1. hmm..hope nothing subversive is going on.

  2. Andrew Thornley2:11 PM

    Basic infrastructure seems to be just hanging on in Fiji. You can't keep losing well-skilled people and not be affected.

  3. Peceli was at Nadi airport, lining up, when all the lights went out. Anyway the airport generators kicked in and the planes could take off.
    Of course it is terrible when the essentials like electricity and water are not functioning properly. The blackout lasted two to three hours I believe. Read Fijiexilesboard and comment by Jack.
    I must get ready for church now - it's the Uniting Church birthday, but I am still listening to Peceli's stories, which he must put on-line, one at a time!

  4. Hello Andrew,
    We've been talking about the word you were querying. Can't track down your earlier comments. Language grows and changes and different words are used to describe the same or similar thing. 'Bokoca' sounds alright to me, but a softer expression would be 'ni vosoti au' which means 'pardon me'. 'Bokoca' means to erase, wipe out. An old way is 'ni kua ni cudruvi au' which means don't be angry with me. It's a good point of discussion Andrew.


  5. Andrew Thornley2:12 AM

    Dear Peceli,

    Good to hear from you and thankyou for your thoughts on this language issue.
    You will find my initial entries in your April blog under "The Hunt Translation". I have included there an interesting comment by Rev. Peni Cabenalevu. As I said there I find it hard to understand why the NT revision of the 1970s did not adopt "bokoca" since Fijians were using it regularly as a result of Churchward's use of the word in the Lord's Prayer as contained in the Fijian Hymn Book.
    This suggests that there was still a residue of support for cudruvi.
    And now "vosoti" comes along. Hazlewood's 1850 Dictionary translates "voso-ta" as 'endure'.
    Isn't the development of language fascinating. Now you can see why there is so much interest in Hunt using the word "veitalia" for the will of God as used in "Thy Will be Done"
