Monday, May 31, 2010

Kitchens or chapels

from w
Last week there was a to-do about the state of the kitchen at Ratu Kadavulevu School and the school was closed for a week so that the stoves etc. would meet the Health and Safety Regulations. Why wasn't it done earlier? Anyway, now we read that the new $1 million chapel has been opened, no doubt funded by the numerous Old Boys Associations in different parts of the world. It does seem to be huge and will be very good for large gatherings. What is most important though - a chapel or a good kitchen? Obviously RKS needs both. Here's how one Fiji media outlet saw the photo from Fiji media, the other from Matavuvale which has many other pictures of the occasion. Putting God first at school 5/31/2010
The Ratu Kadavulevu School chapel was opened and blessed in a dedication service with an emphasis on God and education. The opening was a family day for the school community. Parents, teachers, students, well wishers and old scholars from all over the world made the trip back to Delanakaikai to witness the event.

The chief guest was Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama. He pledged to the community the importance of education for Fiji. “It’s good to see a lot of familiar faces. We have come along way and I believe that the chapel will bring the best out of the school,” Mr Bainimarama said. “I thank the parents, teachers and old scholars for all their support and contribution. I am happy to be part of the celebrations and thank the Almighty God for giving us life to see this day.”

Old scholars’ association president of the Nadroga branch, Aisea Waka, said the event was anticipated by everyone linked to RKS. “I was in the class of 1972 and in those days we used the dining hall next to our kitchen for church service and social nights,” Mr Waqa said. “I remember that ever since I started attending school here we had been fundraising for the chapel. We had been conducting and collected $5000 and also bought two benches for the church. “To come here and see the church full of students and friends made all the preparations worthwhile.” Mr Waka said they were happy God came first for the school. “We are happy that it is a big chapel and the church comes first instead of rugby. The school is leading by example with the new chapel because if we put God first in our lives, education and sports will bear the fruits. This is our advice to students and future students of this school. We are speaking on behalf of our friends who have passed on and did not live to see this day.”

Jese Dola, a student, said he was happy to be part of the event. “I am happy because now we can look forward to having our Sunday service in the chapel. I envy the future students who will come and use this new chapel.”

Former president of the Methodist Church of Fiji, Reverend Manasa Lasaro, led the thanksgiving and dedication service.

Nawanawa Methodist Church circuit Sunday school teacher, Sitiveni Waleilakeba, also attended the celebrations. “We came in two bus loads to help revive the students here with the Sunday school choir to sing at the new chapel,” he said. The Nawanawa Sunday School choir sang the “Halleluiah chorus” at the new chapel.

The chapel, which began construction in 1992, cost over a million.


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