Saturday, May 15, 2010

from Fiji Times classified

from w,
Sadness but good remembrances of Dr Dass and the wonderful ministry he achieved in Fiji over many years. From Fiji Times classified:-



The Indian Division of the Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma announces with deep sadness the passing away of Rev. Dr. Christopher Dass, noted evangelist and cross-cultural missionary on Sunday 9th May in Sydney, Australia.

A memorial service for the late Rev. Dr. Dass will be held on Monday 17th May at Dudley Memorial Church in Toorak, Suva, beginning at 1pm. This will coincide with Rev. Dr. Dass' funeral in Sydney.

For more details contact Rev. William Lucas on 3302231


  1. Andrew Thornley11:49 AM

    His funeral in Sydney was most moving. Led by Rev Daniel Mastapha who spoke of Dr Dass's deep biblical scholarship and warm heart. His grandson, Joshua Nath, read the scriptures and his daughter Priya gave a beautiful tribute from the family. Dr Dass's nephew attended from Lucknow India where, 50 years ago, Dr Dass had been Methodist minister of a 4,000 strong congregation. The influence of Dr Dass in Fiji, along with that of Paula Niukula, was inestimable in helping to bring inter-faith understanding. I was able to give to Priya and the Dass family a wonderful tribute sent to me from a Fijian at Davuilevu whose life had been transformed by the influence of Dr Dass. I imagine there are many other Fijians and Fiji-Indians who were similarly affected.

  2. Thank you Andrew for your kind comments.
    Are you referring to Meraia from Davuilevu? She is a gem, a person of deep faith and compassion.

  3. Andrew Thornley9:18 PM

    No, it was not Meraia though I know Meraia and I am sure she would have felt Dr Dass's death very deeply. Meraia worked with the Indian Division in Labasa as you know. I would rather respect the confidences of the Fijian who wrote to me.
    By the way, Meraia is shortly to go to Auckland to do doctoral studies in the New Testament.

  4. Hello Andrew,
    That was a bit of a guess.
    Good to know that Meraia is planning to do further research. Auckland is a lovely city for such a purpose and with the universities there, the Anglicans too, and Sevati, a good place to focus on a topic for research.

  5. Abdullah, I deleted your comment as it was commercial and not relevant to the original post.


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