Sunday, April 11, 2010

Way to go for the whales

from w
A heartwarming story from Bua is in the Fiji news today - Radio Fiji - after several whales were beached on the shores of Bua, Vanua Levu. The Methodists cancelled church and ran to the beach to help push the whales back into the sea. Way to go!
12 Whales beached in Fiji
Monday, April 12, 2010

Villagers of Nasavu in Bua were surprised when they woke up Sunday morning to find 12 whales beached on their shores. Spokesman Sunia Waqainabete says villagers and settlers nearby canceled their church service yesterday to help push the whales back into the sea. 8 of the big whales were successfully pushed back into sea while 3 of the smaller whales unfortunately died.

The last whale had to wait for high tide as she was stuck near mangroves.

Waqainabete told FBC News the small whales were huge and very heavy and they really struggled to move them back to sea and ensure their survival. He is thankful to those who pitched in to help. "A token of thanks is given to the people of Nasavu village especially to the Buli Narere and the Methodist church Minister who had to help so much in the salvage operation of those whales."

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