Sunday, April 18, 2010

Do you remember Dr Sorokin?

from w
Early this morning (before 6 a.m.) I turned on the ABC Radio National and Verbatum was on instead of Asia Pacific. However I was interested to listen to an interview with Dr Michael Sorokin who used to be a doctor at Lautoka Hospital - way back in the 70s and 80s I think it was. He now works in Adelaide in a position related to travel. Anyway he told his story of being about the last of the colonial administrators in Fiji - even if as a medical officer - and he described his time in the Solomons and then in Fiji. If you want to listen to it, it's online.
Verbatim - 19 April 2010
Michael Sorokin was born and raised in a small gold-mining town near Johannesburg. ... he joined the British Overseas Civil Service in the early 1960s. ... From his first posting to the Solomon Islands to long years in Fiji, ... - Cached Verbatim on ABC radio

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