Sunday, March 21, 2010

No more Ratu Sukuna Day holiday

from Fiji Village
Reduction of two public holidays
Publish date/time: 22/03/2010 [13:12]

The government has gazetted the reduction of public holidays in Fiji which now effectively sees the end of the National Youth Day and the Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Day from this year. Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum said the Prime Minister has noted that the two days are important but Fiji already has a high number of public holidays. Sayed-Khaiyum said activities normally held during the National Youth Day and Ratu Sukuna Day will still be held but they will not be public holidays. He also said with the removal of the two holidays, there will be increased productivity and output.

The public holidays that now remain are New Year's Day, Christmas, Boxing Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Queen's Birthday, Diwali, Prophet Mohammed's Birthday and Fiji Day.


  1. Christy in Brisbane12:43 AM

    Hi! I just started reading your blog today after finding it whilst googling Fijian names. My brother and I are half-Fijian on our mother's side and, as she passed away holidaying in Nadi two years ago, we miss hearing stuff about the islands from her. Her father was a chief in Qamea (he passed away shortly after she did) and we grew up hearing stories about the olden days and the wars they would have - I think there is some place we visited in Taveuni where one of our ancestors chopped off another chief's head or something.

    Currently we are teaching ourselves Fijian out of an old grammar book to go back and be able to talk properly with the rellies. It's nice to read your site and learn more about Fiji - thank you and I'll keep reading!

  2. Hello Christy,
    I am sorry to hear about your mother. I hope you can be in touch with your relatives in Qamea as it is a beautiful place and Taveuni is a gorgeous island. Isa lei, though they had a really rough time last week as the cyclone hit them very badly. Try and get up to date with your Fiji history as much more has happened than the old warrior days!
    If you want to learn Fijian get hold of the little Paul Geraghty book that Lonely Planet put out as it's much better than most of the Fijian languge guides. Maybe costs about $12.
    Keep in touch,
