Saturday, February 27, 2010

Fijians at Pako Festa

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Today was the Pako Festa in Geelong West with hundreds of cultural groups performing dance, song, selling delicacies an marching in a parade. A contingent of Fijians from Melbourne came down to perform - mainly families who migrated to Melbourne but came originally from Lomaiviti such as the islands of Gau, Nairai, Koro and a group of children and young people from a Fiji outreach congregation in Broadmeadows. Vinaka Bui and Rai even though you both were away at a camp. We had a lovely afternoon watching Dutch clog, Hungarian gypsy, Spanish dancing, etc. while waiting to take our turn. The Fijian item went very well with songs of the Lomaiviti islands such as 'E dua na siga' and three dances. It was good to see the children participating. Here are a few photos from todays' events. Afterwards two car loads of Fiji famlies came home to drink kava, eat fish and chips, rest a bit and the children played outside. I also watched a presentation dance workshop by a group of Cook Islanders and I'll post that on the Geelong Visual Diary blog.


  1. Anonymous8:06 AM

    no tui boto?

  2. I love music. I heard about Pako Festa festival. The Fijians perform singing with group. That defines the unity of Fijians. I like this singing program. That program touch to heart and soul.

  3. Quite an impressive information regarding the Pako festa and the good photo-shot people are really enjoying out the Pako festa with some great music..

  4. I personally doesn't attend out the Pako Festa but heard lot's about with my friends and my relative and rest from your post it's really cool update information..

  5. The Pako Festa is Australia's better chargeless anniversary of cultural diversity. Since 1983, our bounded and cultural communities, anniversary year array of able artists, association groups, schools, businesses, artery traders and artists from humans from all walks of life.
