Monday, January 25, 2010

National songs and what about patriotism?

from w
It's Australia Day today for those inclined to be nationalistic or patriotic when living in Oz, though I think we need to look beyond borders to take on board the idea that we are part of the human race and borders need not confine, nor define us. After all, it's often just chance that makes us 'belong' to one or another country. We also can have a love for, a loyalty, a passion about more than one nation. Fiji. Australia. So when it comes to National Anthems here is the beginning of the Oz one - written about 130 years ago - which I really dislike. See Geelong Visual Diary for my choice of an anthem for Oz. I found a lovely parody of Advance Australia Fair. I have put in bold the words I have problems with in the accepted words.

Original Lyrics:
Australians all let us rejoice
For we are young and free
We've golden soil and wealth for toil
Our home is girt by sea
Our land abounds in Nature's gifts
Of beauty rich and rare
In history's page, let every stage
Australia fair!
In joyful strains then let us sing
'Advance Australia fair!'

Human Nature's, "Advance Australia Fair"
Misheard Lyrics:

Australians all own ostriches
Four minus one is three.
With olden royals, we're fair and loyal
Our home is dirt by sea.
I learned to bounce on nature strips
In booties stitched with care.
In mystery's haze, let's harvest maize
And plant azaleas there.
Enjoy full trains and let us in
And dance Australia yeah!

As for the Fiji National Anthem - words from a competition in 1970 (alas, my beautiful words didn't win, the husband of the judge did win! Though my lyrics were just as over the top and exaggerated!) The tune was chosen first - 'Beulah Land' from an old Alexanders Hymn Book which had been already given Fijian words as a sere ni vanua (nationalistic song) but the English version is not a translation at all and these days they are rather ironic.

I copied the following from wikipedia.

English lyrics
Blessing grant oh God of nations on the isles of Fiji
As we stand united under noble banner blue
And we honour and defend the cause of freedom ever
Onward march together
God bless Fiji

For Fiji, ever Fiji, let our voices ring with pride
For Fiji, ever Fiji, her name hail far and wide,
A land of freedom, hope and glory, to endure what ever befall
May God bless Fiji
Forever more!

Blessing grant, oh God of nations, on the isles of Fiji
Shores of golden sand and sunshine, happiness and song
Stand united, we of Fiji, fame and glory ever
Onward march together
God bless Fiji.

Fijian lyrics
Meda dau doka ka vinakata na vanua
E ra sa dau tiko kina na savasava
Rawa tu na gauna ni sautu na veilomani
Biu na i tovo tawa savasava

Me bula ga ko Viti
Ka me toro ga ki liu
Me ra turaga vinaka ko ira na i liuliu
Me ra liutaki na tamata
E na veika vinaka
Me oti kina na i tovo ca

Me da dau doka ka vinakata na vanua
E ra sa dau tiko kina na savasava
Rawa tu na gauna ni sautu na veilomani
Me sa biu na i tovo tawa yaga

Bale ga vei kemuni na cauravou e Viti
Ni yavala me savasava na vanua
Ni kakua ni vosota na dukadukali
Ka me da sa qai biuta vakadua

[edit] Fijian lyrics- Translated
Let us show pride and honour our nation
Where righteous people reside
Where prosperity and fellowship may persevere
Abandon deeds that are immoral

Let Fiji live on
And progress onwards
May our leaders be honourable men
Let them lead our people
To great things
And bring an end to all things immoral
Let us show pride and honour our nation
Where righteous people reside
Where prosperity and fellowship may persevere
Abandon deeds that are immoral

The burden of change lie on your shoulders youth of Fiji
Be the strength to cleanse our nation
Be wary and not harbour malice
For we must abandon such sentiments forever.


  1. Andrew Thornley10:13 PM

    Can one really celebrate anything about Fiji at the moment? Latest news is that Rev Dr Clive Pearson and Rev Dr Dean Drayton, elder ministers of the Uniting Church in Australia, were stopped from going to Fiji when the Government(Police) denied a permit for the holding of a Public Theology Conference at PTC

  2. Hello Andrew,
    I hadn't heard about that. The permit system is about being vindictive and without logic. I can't see how the PTC would have erratic or inciteful material in their discussions at a conference.
