Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cleaning up after the cyclone

from w
There are numerous stories in the Fiji media about the clean-up, the damage to crops, and now flooding. These stories don't get into the international media. I am thinking of my friends from Navua - at the hospital and the nearby Timothy Church where downstairs was flooded once again!
from Radio Fiji website:
Navua and Wainibokasi Hospital closed
Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Ministry Of Health would like to advise members of the public that both Navua and Wainibokasi Hospital are still closed. Health spokesperson Iliesa Tora says Navua will be closed indefinitely until further notice as they are still cleaning up the facility. “We would like to advise members of the public in Navua that we have our medical team now operating at the Namosi Provincial Office building in Navua and we also have a our mobile dental clinic that is going to be run from there.” All emergencies cases and maternity cases for Navua, Wainibokasi and Nausori are being referred to CWM Hospital.
Although many people in Fiji did not get up-to-date warnings which is not good enough)as a Suva writer on Fiji Exiles Board said there was a 5 hours time-lapse), the Fiji Times did give good updates. Fiji Sun - on-line - was absolutely silent! So I can't understand why the Fiji Times, a reliable newspaper, and Fiji TV, have been excluded from the Media conference. They both bend over backwards, while treading on eggshells, to get stories out to the public, even as a cyclone raged!

Times, TV to be excluded from Media Decree talks
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Statement on Media Decree consultations
Update: 1:57PM THE two largest media organisations in the country will be excluded from any consultation on a Media Decree expected to come into force early next year.
A statement, issued this hour by the Office of the Prime Minister, began by stating that consultations would be held with "all media organisations and other relevant stakeholders which recognise the Bainimarama government and who have an interest in moving Fiji forward for the benefit of all her citizens".

It went on to state that "the media organisations of Fiji Times and Fiji TV shall not be consulted since they have demonstrated through their perverse publication and broadcast respectively that they do not recognise the contemporary Fijian legal system, the status of the Bainimarama government, are partisan and not Fiji focused".

It continued: "However, should these two media organisations change their partisan editorial, publication and broadcast positions and policy, then they maybe invited to be part of the consultative process".

It said dates for the consultations would be publicised in the next few weeks.

All queries and additional information on this issue can be obtained from the OPM permanent secretary Colonel Pio Tikoduadua on phone 3211273 or email

Times been nothing but pro-Fiji: Rika
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Update: 5:07PM THE Fiji Times has been nothing but pro-Fiji in its approach to editorial content. This according to Fiji Times editor-in-chief Netani Rika this afternoon.

"Look at our publications over the last 12 months. We have supported campaigns which raised funds for cancer awareness and care as well as major awareness of HIV/AIDS, violence against women, climate change and helping reform ex-prisoners," he said.
"We implemented an award system to recognise people whose individual efforts contributed to a better Fiji. We have been nothing but pro-Fiji.

"It is regretable that the Fiji Times along with Fiji TV has been banned from dialogue on the proposed media decree thus missing the opportunity for consultations with as wide a variety of interested parties as possible.

"We remain very supportive of responsible journalism which we believe includes presenting all sides of any issue so that the people of Fiji can consider issues affecting them armed with as much information as possible.

"We will continue to remain fully focused and supportive of the people of Fiji, their achievements and their challenges."


  1. Andrew Thornley3:03 PM

    This doesn't surprise me. Netani has been a thorn in the side of the Bainimarama regime because he has been fearless in his exercise of professional journalism. He told me when I saw him briefly in August that he tells his journalists to report on everything that is going on in Fiji, in other words to work as though the situation were pre-coup and pre-media-censorship decree. In this way, the Times journalists do not fall into the trap of attempting to tailor their opinion to what the censors will accept and so compromise their professional training. Instead, Netani passes over to the military censors the exact copy that he would do on any normal day so they are left with the decision of what to excise. There is no way that Netani will bend his professional principles to suit a totalitarian regime. We all know the strong stuff from which Netani comes.

  2. Hello Andrew,
    Yes, his parents, relatives, grandparents were inspirational people. Courage is important and I wonder why it seems to be lacking in some of Fiji's clerical leaders who have been quietened down. Dr Meo had some strong words to say in a recent speech in Sydney. Well, I suppose you can from a distance!
    Serendipity - I was just talking about you to a relative who's compiling a history of her Lauan family who were associated with the development of Navuloa and Davuilevu.
    And have a lovely Christmas week.
    Wendy (and Peceli too).

  3. Andrew Thornley7:01 PM

    I'm afraid Wendy that the Fiji Methodists are waiting for their high chief to give a strong signal - in keeping with the traditional way of doing things - and to this point the signals have been missing or at best confused.
