Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mangling English

from w
Fiji Radio runs a story today about the need for more doctors, but I think somebody needs a few more English teachers. What kind of mangled English is in this piece?
Did the Dean really say these things? Or did the journalist get it tangled up? Or the person who put this into print?
Fiji lacks specialists
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Fiji lacks specialist doctors to take care of the demand for medical services. The dean of the Fiji School of Medicine, Professor Ian Rouse says although they produce 50 new doctors every year, it(')s still not enough to meet the demand.

“But the problem is in the specialization (as) we don’t have enough anntertes, specsters, ostratestetersm specialist penetration. (???) We are training a number of those (.) FSM has close to 60 specialist being train)ed) in Fiji and the region-but that’s where I think we (have)got (a)shortage (so) we (have) got to have this address(ed) over the next 5 years.”

FSM hopes that by 2014, they will be able to produce more doctors through expanded training programs and bigger class intakes.

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